Details about our art prints

Express your own unique style and mood by curating a collection of fine art prints. Printed on velvety fine art paper or canvas, our gorgous fine art prints preserve the exquisite details of the original paintings and drawings while adding rich, subtle texture. Group a few together to create an elegant gallery wall or elevate a room with a single, large art print.

These borderless fine art reproductions are printed with archival pigment-based inks on premium Hahnemühle fine art paper. This museum-quality paper has a gorgeous, velvety texture and sturdy weight.

Most of our prints come in 5 sizes from extra small art for filling special corners to extra large art prints for statement pieces over sofas:

  • extra small: 8 x 10 inches
  • small: 11 x 14 inches
  • medium: 16 x 20 inches
  • large: 24 x 30 inches
  • extra large: 30 x 40 inches

We are able to print even larger prints depending on the design-- just send us an email with your request!

We reccommend framing are art prints with non-glare uv protection glass and hanging them in a moisture-free environment. Please contact us with any questions. We provide free art styling services if you'd like size, frame, or pairing reccommendations for your space.

Thank you for supporting our art studio with your purchase! Creating this art and sharing it with you is an honor. 

With love,

Aimee and Danny Schreiber